Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Katie Loves the Kittens


Katie is dog dog who is so super excited when her owner, Sara Ann, brings home three new kittens.  Katie loves the kittens and is excited to play with them, but when Katie expresses her excitement, she frightens the kittens.  Sara Ann tells Katie that she is scaring the kittens and warns her to give them time to get used to her.  Still every time Katie sees the kittens she can't contain herself and ends up scaring them away.
I went to the library to look for books for my annotated bibliography and came across this book.  I wanted to check it out but decided not to because I couldn't think of any lesson plans to attach it with or how it would benefit students in an educational way.  I was very excited to learn it was on my book list and I went right away to check it out for this first book talk.  I have a passion for animals having 2 dogs and 4 cats myself.
I think is book is really great for anyone looking to read for entertainment reasons, but like I stated before, there is no real educational lesson to be taken from this book besides maybe patience.


  1. Nikki, I've had a lot of dogs and cats in my life so I connect with books about them, too. Something that I've been looking at with books is how the words and the print are used to teach language and its conventions. Maybe that's something to think about in terms of the educational value of this book. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I disagree, I think a lesson you can take out of this book is teaching kids how to treat animals as well as teaching kids how animals do not get along. It is very well known that dog and cats are two animals that are known to not get alone. If you were to explain why the cats are so scared of the dogs, it could teach the children a less if they have these animal. You could also have the idea of showing other animals that do not get along such as cheetahs and deer, or something along those lines. Other then that I really like the idea behind this story, it seems really cute and perfect for kids to read and enjoy because it involves animals.

  3. I agree with Jessica. But I think you could even take this further and talk about how we need to treat each other as people. And how we each come from different backgrounds and we need to understand how to be respectful. We're all different individuals so of course, there would be some hesitation for something new like making a new friend, etc. I'm interested in this book because dogs are supposed to hate cats and the thought of a dog which adores them, is really cool to think about.

  4. Nikki,I thihnk that this a great book read if you just want a fun relaxing short lessen. I do not think that there is whole lot that you can do with this book, but i do think that you can teach about animals. But i think this could just also be in your classroom for the children to read during their read or down time.
    Ashleigh Hess

  5. I think this book has a cute moral. Not every book has to have a huge lesson behind it. Children might enjoy this book due to animals. Children have a heart for animals. I think the illustrations might be important for this book. The other girls have great ideas of how to make this book work in the classroom. You picked an interesting book, thanks for sharing it.

  6. This seems like a very cute book. I agree that it can show children how to be patient, especially with others, like how Celia said. The book has a really simple moral that you could possible get younger kids to understand or find out for themselves. I think I would adore this book, especially since I have three dogs; one that's skittish to new things, one that likes to explore new things, and the third one could care less. You could read this book was the first day of class to encourage your students to make friends and not be scared of doing so.

  7. Based on your explanation of the book I feel like a possible lesson to be learned is that children may not be able to express themselves in an accepted manner in the view of other children. Much like Dog experienced in the book. As Dog was excited he scared the kittens away, because they did not understand how he was presenting his emotions. I agree that it can express patients in that it can be frustrating to be misunderstood. It has good morals for children to learn thrugh expressing themselves correctly.
