Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Old Bear

Old bear falls asleep as the snow starts falling at the beginning of winter.  He begins to dream about himself as a young bear.  In his dream he experiences all four seasons.  The seasons in his dream all have their own imaginative spin on them, for example, in summer the sun was a daisy, the leaves were butterflies and it rained blue berries.  Old bear wakes up thinking he took just a small nap, only to find out the whole winter season had gone by! 

I love this book because all of the imagination in it.  I have a huge imagination and enjoy thinking of different possibilities for ordinary things such as the seasons.  How awesome would it be if the sun was a daisy?!
I think this book is great for the class room because kids enjoys using their imagination as well and hearing of cool things like it raining blueberries.  I think a great lesson plan to follow it up would be to divide the class into groups and assign each group a season.  The groups could work together to paint, draw, or write a story describing their season and add a little imagination to it.


  1. I have never heard of this book before but it sounds like one that I would enjoy reading to kids in my classroom! I think you are right about the great imagery and imagination happening in this book. As well as, the fact that it would be a fun and easy way to really teach the seasons. I love the picture that you put of the child drawing the seasons! So cute

  2. I've never read this book before, but it sounds like a really great book. I think this would be an excellent book to teach to students, because it encourages imagination. I think that imagination is really important to young children. I also agree with Amy that this book could also be used to teach students about the different seasons.

  3. This book looks like a super cute read! I have seen it before but have yet to read it! I think that it would be really cool to incorporate this book in a lesson about seasons and having kids either create their own seasons as the bear did, or for kids to simply use their imagination and recreate the book with their own ideas!

  4. I really want to read this book! I also want to use your activity not just for the kids, but myself as well!

  5. Great lesson idea! A little social learning going on!
