Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Pig parade Is a Terrible Idea

You might be one to think that a pig parade sounds like it would be super awesome and a lot of fun!
After reading this book, your mind will be changed.  The author of this pig points out many reasons why a pig parade would be very unsuccessful.  For example, it would be almost impossible to find enough majorette uniforms to fit all the pigs.  If you could for some strange reason, the pigs would not wear them.
I love this book because it involves both imagination and fact.  There is no misleading facts about pigs. It lets us use our imagination enough to imagine what a pig parade might be like, but then kindly reminds us of why it would never work.
The kids would really have to use their imagination to make the connections that the book makes.  The humor in the book is my favorite part.  It is sarcastic and to the point, which is the kind of humor i enjoy most.  It is just a fun book all around.
This book could be read to a class as young as kindergarten for entertainment and even as high as second or third grade to encourage critical thinking.  I might have my class pick their favorite animal that they would want to see in a parade and have them write about why it just wouldn't work.


  1. I love animal books and this one sounds really cute. I don't think the children would get the sarcasm, so maybe that is thrown in for the teacher's amusement. The idea of the children writing a book about their favorite animal and why it shouldn't be in a parade is a genius idea! It encourages creative thinking as well as keeping the facts straight.

  2. I loved this book when you shared this with us! I want this book for me! I love pigs! this would be a fun book to read to a class!!

  3. I think animal books are really important to read to children. I like that this book encourages imagination because it makes you think what a pig parade would be like, but at the same time it gives facts. I think it might be hard for younger children to understand the sarcasm present in the book, but maybe it would be a good book for older elementary aged kids, as well as younger kids.

  4. This book sounds amazing, it would be perfect for a kindergarden class because at that age the children have their imaginations going wild, and they could really play along with this book. I think this book would be a fun book, not really have any lessons behind it, but it would be something to do on a friday when the children are going wild and not wanting to learn anymore and just waiting for their weekend to start.

  5. I have never been a fan of animal books but I might just have to check this one out. It seems very imaginative and different than what most children books are like and being a bit unique will catch the students attention.

  6. I think it is really important for students to engage in their imagination! This sounds like the perfect book to do so!

  7. This book looks so fun!! Imagination is so important to encourage to young children and it should be encouraged as the students get older as well. I thoroughly enjoy all animals books and piglets are one of my favorites. I can just imagine a class of Kindergarteners and first graders getting a kick out of this book!
