Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Madam President

This week, my book talk was on Madam President by Lane Smith.  This book is about a young girl who has just learned about the President.  With her new knowledge, she goes throughout her day imagining what it would be like if she were president.  For example, when she is eating breakfast she talks about how there are executive orders to give, and it illustrates her at the table a sing for more waffles.  
I think this is a great book to introduce the topic of the President and what his role is in our nation.  One downside to this book is it highlights more of the celebrity side of being President rather than what his actual job consists of.  Another downside is, without discussion, this book can be misleading to young children.  There is a page where it talks about the presidents cabinet.  In the cabinet is a list of the different secretaries.  For example the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Agriculture.  in this cabinet is a "Secretary of Naps," and "Secretary of Secretaries.  This is added in for fun and to grab attention, but without a discussion on what is real and what is not, this could be taken as fact.
Overall I liked the book and think it would be great as a class read to clear up any misconceptions and learn all about the president.


  1. I agree, I think this would be a great book to start introducing the president and information about the government. I think this book is adorable because when I was younger learning about the presidents, and stuff like that was the best history class ever! I think this could be so fun like learning about the presidents and giving fun facts about the presidents, such as, the president that got stuck in a tub, and the fire department had to come and get him out. I think this book will be a great introduction to a fun lesson.

  2. This would not only be a fun book to introduce the government, but also you can point out things in the book that sounds silly that are not facts and ask the children if that sounds read or silly because you want them to learn the right information, but also in away you want the students to use there imagination as well. When you were doing your book talk I liked they you said you would have them write what they would do if they were President!

  3. This book sounds really fun, and like has been said before, a very cute way to introduce the president. Knowing and learning about the president is very important, but unfortunately people still don't know much about this role. This book also seems to show the importance of having fun and learning new things too!

  4. Such a cute way to introduce the government to kids! I think with the era we are in now its a good thing to clear up misconceptions about the government in this cute and fun way!

  5. This sounds like a really fun book! I think it is really important to introduce children to politics at an early age because it will get them interested and understand to importance of politics. Politics can be fun.

  6. I feel this book would be good to introduce the idea that woman now days can do the same things men can like being president.

  7. Looks like it is a cute book but it will be crucial to remind the students that some of the information in the book is for entertainment purposes and not all of it is factual. I also like that it introduces a young girl who dreams of being president, I believe it shows that it is a realistic job to have as a woman.
